Isobella & Chloe Brand Ambassador Valentina, age 4, opens her gifts with Santa! Here’s what else she shared with us about her holiday wishes and traditions:

Q. What is on your wish list for Christmas this year?
A. That all boys and girls get Christmas presents.
Q. What do you like to do for fun during the holiday time?
A. To go see Santa and have breakfast with him.
Q. Do you make gifts for your family, or do you like to shop?
A. Yes, I give my family toys that I don’t play with anymore.
Q. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
A, My favorite cartoon movie is “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”
Q. What is your favorite Christmas book?
A.“Elf on a Shelf”
Q. What is your favorite Christmas carol?
A.“Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer”
Q. What is your favorite family Christmas tradition?
A. Wake up and see Santa in our living room. I open my toys with him!
Q. What do you do to celebrate on Christmas day?
A. Sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus.
Q. What new outfit did you receive from Isobella & Chloe for December?
A. Yes. I loved it! I loved the flower with sparkles and the tutu.