Isobella & Chloe Brand Ambassador AnnaLane, age 4, loves celebrating February’s Valentine’s Day and President’s Day. If you wish you could sleep in, you just might want to elect her as POTUS!

What does “Valentine’s Day” mean to you?
Valentine’s Day means I can eat a lot of chocolate.

Who do you want to be your valentine this year?
I want my Daddy and Jack Palmer to be my Valentines this year. I think Jack is cute and I am going to marry my Daddy.

What do you do to celebrate Valentine’s Day?
We have a party at school and we exchange Valentines. My Mommy, Daddy and grandparents send me surprises to my class. Also, I love to eat the candy!

In February, we also celebrate President’s Day. Do you know who President Abraham Lincoln and President George Washington are?
Yes, I do, because my teacher, Mrs. Amanda Gross, has recently been teaching about them. President George Washington was the first President and President Abraham Lincoln has the Lincoln Memorial.

If you were President of the United States, what would you want to do?
I would make school start late so I could sleep late.

What new outfit for February did you receive from Isobella & Chloe?
When my mommy let me open the box I screamed with excitement. I really did. It is a two- piece lace outfit. I really like it because It makes me look so cute.

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