Our Brand Ambassador AnnaLane, age 4, sings, bakes, shops and plays with her mama. This May, AnnaLane shares with us what she loves about her mama.
What did you and your family due to celebrate Mother’s Day?
Daddy and I gave Mama some new clothes and took her out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants after church. Then, she watched me play on my bouncy water slide the rest of the day.
What are 3 interesting things to know about your Mom?
She likes to buy me clothes. She loves taking pictures. She loves me very much.
What do you know about your grandmothers?
I have a GiGi, a Nonnie, and a Grandmama. They all let me do whatever I want.
What does your mom do to make you laugh? When does your mom make you angry? Most happy?
My mama makes me laugh when we sing funny songs together. I also love for her to tickle me. I get angry sometimes when it gets late, and Mama won’t let me play outside. She makes me happy when she plays with me outside.
Do you know how your Mom and Dad first met? Please tell us!
One of my mama and daddy’s friends told my mama that Daddy would like to go out on a date with her. Mama said yes, so they went on a date.
In what ways would you most like to be like your mom?
I want to be as pretty as she is with long hair.
What do you and your mom most like to do together?We like to spend time with my GiGi. We also like to bake. Mama lets me help. Mama also jumps on the trampoline with me.
What do you like to do with your mother? Share your stories with us!