Eight years ago, a passion of mine became a reality. Today, I am blessed enough to still carry out my vision each day. That passion was having a store dedicated to fine boutique girls’ fashions –– a dream that I’ve fostered after having two little girls of my own, constantly searching for unique clothing, and not … Continue Reading

AnnaLane’s mom, Angela, told us, “AnnaLane didn’t understand she won the Isobella & Chloe Brand Ambassador honor until she received her first prize dress in the mail. When she opened the box, which included an outfit, sash and crown, she was thrilled.  She is very excited and prances around the house wearing her sash and … Continue Reading

When Valentina B. Hetsler’s mom, Oriana, told her she had won the title of Brand Ambassador for Isobella & Chloe, she said, “I am famous and a queen no!”. She is so excited with her first new Isobella & Chloe dress, which came with a tiara and ribbon sash. Because November starts the month of … Continue Reading

Madison’s mother, Sarah Alvarez, reports that her daughter was ecstatic and very excited to be named a brand ambassador for Isobella & Chloe. Her outgoing spirit had recently fallen, following the passing of her dear friend Ali who died from Infantile Batten’s disease, a rare neurological illness. Madison devotedly visited her friend in the hospital … Continue Reading

Curious about why young girls especially love pink, Google assured us that scientists have proven that girls do in fact love pink more than boys do. And, the preference crosses over to many different cultures. We’ve always known that almost every family has at least one girl who “thinks pink.” Isobella & Chloe satisfies with … Continue Reading